Scratch it and it Spreads
Trailer (2.47 mins)
RASH is a contemporary story of modern urban Australia and artists making it a living host for illegal artwork called street art.
This award winning feature length documentary explores the cultural value of unsanctioned public art, and graffiti’s contribution to public dialogue.
RASH, 73mins, 2005, Documentary, Music by Ryan “RHyNO” Ritchie performed by True Live
In 2006 RASH screened in Australia on ABC and in 2008 on ABC1. This title continues to tour international film festivals and has been publicly broadcast in the USA, Canada, Portugal and other countries.
Best Australian Documentary
Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards (FCCA)
Runner up Favourite Documentary Audience Award - Melbourne International Film Festival 2005
Distribution: Journeyman Pictures (UK)
Stream Now
RASH is available to stream now on Vimeo On Demand.
Also on the Beamafilm platform.
Special feature extras available on the collectors DVD
1. Director & Artists Voice Over
2. Girls Do Street Art
3. Gallery VS Street
4. Drawing Room
5. Phibs
6. Urban Express – Short Film 2004
7. Shepard Fairey (Interview) OBEY GIANT USA
8. SCIEN (Interview), 123 Klan – France
9. RASH Trailer